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W15 | Weekly report - Wasted or not
Posted by poison, April 15, 2018

Another wasted week... or not? Sometimes it seems everything fails.

I bought a used iPhone 6S Plus for the development. At least I thought I bought it, as it turned out to be service provider dependent. Funny, that I couldn't even TURN IT ON :) The seller bought it back and now I'm looking for another one. An iPhone 7 is the actual favourite, expected for Monday. My new bank account was finally fixed too, I can get my credit card in the coming week. The start of my individual proprietorship is still in progress, we had some misunderstanding with the accountant. Meanwhile, I have created 3 little tutorial videos to get some traffic on my YouTube channel. Theses are mini know-hows on Blender. Check them and subscribe if you want to see more of his kind!