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W25 | Weekly report - More pixels
Posted by poison, June 23, 2018

As announced before, this week was about oldschool pixels again. Did you know, that Photoshop is capable of working with wide pixels?

In the view menu you can find pixel aspect ratio and anamorphic (2:1) setting is exactly what the C64 calls multicolor mode :) Sad but I couldn't find any other software which could do the same.

Meanwhile, we have successfully released the official party invitation for Arok 2018, the retro computing symposium. It is a "simple" scroller done for the Commodore 64, available to download on CSDB (or watch the embedded video). It is a world-first effect, a technical mistery: If you are familiar with the possibilities of the breadbox you surely know, that a well optimized routine is not even capable to wipe the graphics screen in one screen refresh and the well-praised sprites can't be stretched to embrace the whole screen either. You can still witness a high resolution, outlined(!) scroll over a fullscreen drawing at 25fps. It is magic ;) Visit Arok and prepare for more 8bit wonder! Check now!

Although #TurnItOn was neglected a bit, I have designed one new level for it + outlined modifications for the results screen. These are customer requests once again: there is going to be a replay button on the results screen + visible time limits for the stars. It is going to be in the store soon.

Let me finish this post with a gem I found recently: Ever thought of creating a word game? is a place where you can play with characters and words. It was made actually to help with different word-puzzles and cross-word-games but using it is an idea factory too. By all means, give it a go if you plan to create your own game of this kind!

#indiegame #indiedev #screenshotsaturday