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W14 | Weekly report - Going legal
Posted by poison, April 7, 2018

I can't supply a #screenshotsaturday post this time, but prosaic news of the last week. Not that spectacular but more important in my life.

I met an accountant to consult about possibilities going legal with my business. He recommended that I need to turn self-employed as my second job. His first advice was to have a separate bank account so I headed to the closest financial institution (OTP). I left this one 10 years ago because they didn't give a shit about customers. Not too much changed: I had to wait 20 minutes despite I had an appointment, I realized later that my address in the contract is wrong and it is not the agreed postal address neither. Monday we date again.

The next milestone on my to-do list is the iOS version of #TurnItOn so I'm buying an iPhone. It is going to be a used 6S Plus. If you have any experience with this device share with me! I have extended the level selector in the game, to have 3 pages, updated Unity to the latest version and designed a few levels. Next week actual production of the third setting begins.

#indiedev #indiegame #madewithunity